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This is my secondary, extremely-seldomly updated blog about music.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Moar Video Game Metal

I know I've referred to DragonForce and The Black Mages as "video game metal". Well, they aren't anymore, because I've found a band that takes the video game cake: Powerglove! (Possibly named after an obscure and failed NES accessory) They do ridiculous, extreme power metal covers of video game hits like the Super Mario Bros. ThemeZelda soundtracksFinal Fantasy (I'm not sure if I like this or the Black Mages' cover more), and even Duck Hunt (which apparently has no soundtrack). Their latest album explores the TV shows and movies of the band's youth, including The SimpsonsThe FlintstonesThe Nightmare Before ChristmasWinnie the Pooh, and best of all, the Pokemon theme song featuring Tony Kakko. Simply glorious. It's a blast to listen to covers of songs I'm familiar with, and even the ones I'm not are still great. These guys can play!

1 comment:

  1. It's "Gotta Catch 'Em All", Tony! "Gotta Catch 'EM All!"
